
For Discord server members wishing to get started using TORI.

So, your server admin has installed TORI? Great! Time to level-up your Cardano trading experience. The steps below will aid you in getting started with the toolkit. If your admin hasn't installed the bot yet, point them to our Getting Started for Admins guide!

Holder verification

The TORI utilities are accessible by everyone, however additional benefits such as Analytics and Slots can be accessed if you hold various amounts of $TORI. Begin the wallet verification process with the Discord command:


You'll be prompted to complete the wallet verification process via CNFTLAB. This requires you to sign a message to prove wallet ownership, and doesn't expose your funds to any risk.

Once verified, you may access additional benefits in every server in which TORI is installed. If you have multiple wallets which you wish to connect, simply repeat the verification process for each one.

Getting started with /trade

The TORI trade utility interface can be accessed with the Discord command:


From this menu, all of the major trade functions can be accessed. To start trading via the bot, you'll need to deposit some funds into your trade wallet via the Deposit button.

TORI uses a unique server-side wallet for each user. This allows the bot to sign and submit transactions quickly, without having to wait for user confirmation. The wallet address displayed via the Deposit button should not be shared with anyone else.

Deposit ADA and/or Cardano native assets by sending them directly to your deposit address. The assets will be come visible in your trade balance after a couple of network confirmations.

Once your deposit has completed, see the Trade guide for further detail on creating orders.

Getting started with /tools

The TORI analysis utility interface can be accessed with the Discord command:


From this menu, all of the major analysis functions can be accessed. See the Analysis guide for further detail.

Getting started with /slots

The TORI slots interface can be accessed with the Discord command:


From this menu, all of the major slots & games functions can be accessed. See the Slots guide for further detail.

Last updated