
For Discord server administrators wishing to install TORI within their server.

Installing TORI is a straightforward process, and requires minimal manual setup by the administrator user.

Invite the bot

Start by inviting the bot to your server via this link. When prompted, select the server your wish to add TORI to, and approve the permissions.

Set up alerts

Once the bot has joined your server, you'll need to run the following Discord command to create the DEX alert channels: /alerts-setup These channels receive Pump & Dip alerts for most major assets across all supported DEXes. Additionally, the channel category created by the setup command is used as the parent category for your user's custom alert channels. That's it! TORI is now set up and ready for action within your server.

Optional: Set up custom fees

If you hold 1B+ $TORI, you may set a custom service fee percentage which is collected from your user's trades via the bot.

Start by verifying your wallet with the following Discord command:


You'll be prompted to complete the wallet verification process via CNFTLAB. This requires you to sign a message to prove wallet ownership, and doesn't expose your funds to any risk. Once verified, you can set a custom fee with the Discord command:


You must provide a fee percentage and valid Cardano address in which to receive fees.

Last updated