Limit Depth

Visualise active limit order depth.

Real-time active limit order depth can be displayed for an asset via the Limits button on the Tools interface.

Note: Limit depth analysis is currently only supported for Minswap. Further DEX support is in the pipeline.

You will be prompted to complete this form:

Order Type: The type of order to search for. Must be BUY or SELL. Required.

Ticker: The asset ticker to search (ie. SNEK). Required.

Range (Min): Lower bound for the order price. Optional.

Range (Max): Upper bound for the order price. Optional.

Generate CSV File: If set to TRUE, a .csv export of the limit order details will be provided. Optional.

Upon submitting the form, limit order data will be gathered and visualised:

To obtain more granular data, try experimenting with the Range fields to create a more specific price range to search.

Last updated